Success by Six assists with aboriginal literacy
t’s as easy as a click of a mouse. No matter if a child lives in the big city or in a remote First Nations community, access to a computer leads to the same results. Interest in literacy grows immediately a child has access to books, teachers, guidance and a computer. The early years are the most important, as non-profit agency Success by Six has proved in its work.
Success By Six is an early childhood development initiative dedicated to providing all children with a good start in life. It helps to ensure that children ages 0 to 6 develop the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical skills they need as they enter school.
Success By Six builds and enhances community through engaging citizens in early childhood development and funding programs that strengthen services for young children and their families. Funded programs include literacy, nutrition, children’s play, parenting and family skills development.
Provincial manager Kim Adamson explains over a cup of coffee that Success by Six is partnering with the Aboriginal Literacy Project and Write to Read to bring this program to several aboriginal communities. Sponsored by the Credit Unions of BC and the United Way of the Lower Mainland, Success by Six hopes to expand its work in native communities throughout BC with public recognition and contributions.
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